martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020




I.        People live longer putting in practice three essentials habits: eating healthy, doing exercise and doing brain training.

II.                Eating healthy provides nutrients and reduces diseases.

A.    Nourishment of the human body.

1.        Proteins, carbohydrates and water.

2.        Fats

3.        Vitamins and minerals.

B.     Healthy diet reduces obesity and anemia.

III.             Doing exercise increases immune system.

A.    Doing exercise raises Leukocytes.

B.     Some exercises options.

1.      Doing aerobics.

2.      Doing Cardio.

3.      Lifting Weights.

IV.             Doing brain training activities reduce stress, depression and anxious levels.

A.    Meditation reduces stress, depression and anxious levels.

1.      Yoga.

2.      Relaxing music.

B.     Reading books helps distress.

1.      Bible.

2.      Literature.

V.             Balanced nutrition is vitality for body function, doing exercise strengthens the immune system similarly mental training minimizes the risk of stress, depression and anxious, practicing those good habits guarantee a plenty and extended life.


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  OUTLINE THREE ESSENTIAL HABITS OF THE HUMAN BODY. I.          People live longer putting in practice three essentials habits: eating h...