Since ancient time people over the world wish a longer
life. Good habits of the human body allow to develop a quality and healthy
life. Scientific evidence shows that eating healthy, doing brain training and physical
activity can actually slow the aging process at the cellular level and
potentially add years to life. Acquiring those habits people reduce diseases
for instance: obesity and heart attack, increasing life expectancy. Human body
is a special machine and everybody have the responsibility to keep it save,
people hardly fight with bad habits, every person needs be aware and discipline
to make changes in the life applying good habits but which are quality habits? How
does body get nutrients? How does body training extend the period life? And how
does mind get healthy? Quality life begins since good nourishment consuming a complete
food with all nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the body need as well as physic
exercise through aerobics, training muscles and cardio. Doing brain training
reduces stress, depression and anxious. People live longer putting in practice
three essential habits of the human body: eating healthy, doing exercise and doing
brain training.
First at all “you are what you eat”. Eating healthy
provides nutrients and reduces diseases. So there is a very important point to
consider which we have to take into account this is the nourishment in the
human body. The structures components that make up the human body such as
muscles, organs, and bones are also composed of the nutrients those are found
in food which drive biological activity. The five essential nutrients for the
human body include: first proteins the major structural component of cell and
is responsible for the building and repair of body tissues, second carbohydrates
which can be used as an energy source to move the body, third water plays many
important roles in the body including flushing waste from the body also is
necessary for digestion and hydrating, fourth fats these often get a bad rap,
but recent research has shown that healthy fats are an important part of a
healthy diet, and the last one vitamins and minerals are vital for warding off
disease and substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally.
Having a healthy diet allows our body to function properly and allows us to
have longer life; on the contrary by not eating properly we run the risk of
acquiring metabolic diseases for example obesity and anemias, which
significantly increase mortality. Therefore, to ensure the body gets all the
necessary nutrients we need to eat healthy and provide our body the energy it
needs. Eating properly helps prevent or lower the risk of certain diseases.
This means that you can extend your life and improve its quality.
Importantly physic activity. Doing exercise increases
immune system Exercise causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells.
Leukocytes are the cells of the immune system that fight disease through
antibodies, proteins that neutralize bacteria and external agents. These
antibodies and leukocytes circulate faster with regular exercise, so they can
detect and fight disease more quickly and effectively. Doing exercise develops longer
life. The Brigham Young researchers analyzed DNA samples from almost 6,000
adults. They measured the length of telomeres (the ends of chromosomes that
tend to shorten with age) of study participants, and found that people with
higher levels of physical activity had longer telomeres than those who were
sedentary. In fact, the athletes had a "biological age" that was
approximately nine years younger. It is a fact that do exercise extend life
period, people can include some kind of exercise such us aerobics, cardio and
weights in their daily routine. Women prefer aerobics as they play music along
with the routines. This can be done alone or in small groups, others lean or cardio.
Men, generally, are only interested on lifting weights. The concern here is
about building muscles by using barbells, or dumbbells. Any type of exercise help
to develop hearth healthy and consequently extend years life. Workout raises
health body.
Another key to remember is mental health. Doing brain
training through meditation and reading books help to avoid stress, depression
and anxious. According to experts, meditation is a great option when it comes
to reducing our stress rates, which are increasing more and more due to the
hectic pace and daily tasks because it has been proven that relaxing and doing yoga
it has a great influence to calm the mind as it frees the mind from any worry.
Although daily practice provides immeasurable benefits, it is important to
learn and practice the techniques under the supervision of a yoga instructor
accompanied by relaxing music to make it more effective today we have multiple
experiments, investigations and theoretical works based or related to
experimental research that show us something that in our own way we already
sensed: music, and especially relaxing music, has great cognitive, emotional
and neurobiological benefits. If people have peace mental they extended the
quality life with less worries taking better decisions in front of
problems. Another option is reading a books,
it allows grows, learns, and gets distressed. The Bible is a great option to
consider for the reason that reading Bible brings harmony and that is reflected
through actions with other people, also different other types of literature
help. Depend of the person´s favorite genre or style such us action, adventure,
classics, comics, mystery, etc. Maintain mental health through meditation and
reading reduces mental diseases given jubilant life.
All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume
that balanced nutrition is vitality for body function, doing exercise
strengthens the immune system similarly mental training minimizes the risk of
stress, depression and anxious, practicing those good habits guarantee a plenty
and extended life. Therefore it is recommend that eat daily three complete food
with proteins, vitamins and minerals including two healthy snacks as seeds and
fruits, doing exercise for at less 30 minutes per day doing aerobics, training
muscles or cardio has additional health benefits likewise take a breath brain
training doing 10 minutes of meditation while listen relaxing music and build
up reading habit with the objective to maintain your mind working. Following
these habits will make anyone live longer than today´s average and reduce
illnesses. Take care of your body applying those habits eating healthy, doing
exercise and doing brain training to live better and enjoy more.